Vulnerability Assessments
Our climate is responsible for many types of extreme events, and communities throughout the Great Lakes are working to become more resilient to the impacts of a variable climate. Communities should be aware of climate trends and feel empowered to plan for greater resiliency to climate impacts.
Trends / Impacts
Note: Global trends are more certain than regional trends. Natural variability plays a larger role at the regional scale.
Key Trends
- Rising Average Temperatures
- Observed Increase in Frost-Free Season Length
- Observed Extreme Precipitation
The amount falling in the heaviest 1% of precipitation events increased by 37% in the Midwest and by 71% in the Northeast from 1958 to 2012. - Great Lakes Ice Coverage
Implications for Communities
Damages to Infrastructure
- Example: 2014 Metro Detroit Flood
Health Impacts
- Extreme Heat Events
- Flooding
- Infectious Diseases
- Air Quality Issues
Food and Agriculture
- Negative Impacts on Tree Species
- Fire Hazards and Wildfire
Environmental Impacts
Michigan Resources
Michigan Climate Coalition
Michigan Hazard Mitigation Plan
Michigan Health Adaptation Plan
Midwest Resources
GLISA – Headquarters for all climate data in the Midwest region
International Resources
International Panel on Climate Change
Union of Concerned Scientists
National Resources
National Climate Assessment
American Association of the Advancement of Science
Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE) - features a wide variety of case studies
Politics / Education
The politicization of climate variability has made it difficult for communities to have productive conversations on these issues. However, communities can talk about resiliency outside the framework of climate variability and its politics by focusing on other benefits of resiliency planning.
Benefits of Resiliency Planning
- Greater ability for public infrastructure systems to handle emergencies
- Improved water quality
- Better recreational opportunities
Local Community Focus
When discussing climate variability, it is most effective to address what is happening or could happen at the local community level. Global trends may be controversial and abstract, but communities can focus on areas of agreement:
“Flooding is bad, and we should mitigate against flood damage in our community.”
Actions of No Regret
Actions of no regret are projects and investments where the benefits are clear, regardless of climate variability impacts. Examples include:
- Green Stormwater Infrastructure
- Rain gardens / green roofs / etc.
- Reduces water pollution
- Beautifies the environment
- Rain gardens / green roofs / etc.
By focusing on broadly supported projects, communities can bypass heated climate debates and enact practical improvements.
Vulnerability Assessments
“A vulnerability assessment is a first step in climate adaptation, just as a risk assessment is an early step in risk management.”
— Michigan DNR
Vulnerability assessments, used across Michigan by the Land Information Access Association (LIAA), aim to:
- Identify vulnerabilities within a community
- Develop tools to foster resiliency in policy decisions
Key Concepts
Exposure to Risk:
Where is the environmental risk the greatest? -
Sensitivity to Risk:
Who in the community is most likely to experience adverse effects from that risk?
Vulnerability Analysis Steps
- Identify Sensitive Populations
- Identify Environmental Risk
- Composite Vulnerability
- Flood-Prone Areas:
- FEMA 100- and 500-year flood zones
- FEMA flood data
- High Exposure Areas:
- Low-lying land
- Land near bodies of water
- Areas with large paved surfaces
- Neighborhoods with few trees
- Older housing stock
- Vulnerable Populations:
- Elderly
- Young children
- People with medical conditions
- Those living in poverty (especially homeless)
- People who work outdoors
- Athletes
- Individuals who live alone
Composite Vulnerability
Combines exposure and sensitivity to create a single vulnerability metric, often visualized through mapping.
Vulnerability = Exposure + Sensitivity
Example Metrics
- Exposure:
- FEMA flood zones
- Sensitivity:
- Year home was built
- Percent of households living below the poverty threshold
- Composite Vulnerability:
- Household sensitivity overlaid on flood-prone areas
For a more detailed guide on vulnerability assessments, visit this Resilient Great Lakes Coast page created by Professor Richard Norton (University of Michigan).