Policy & Advocacy
MAP Land Use and Planning Policy
The Michigan Association of Planning's adopted planning policies guide the work of the organization. Our adopted policies represent the collective thinking of our board of directors, our members, subject matter experts, and stakeholder organizations on positions of both principle and practice.
The Policies represent MAP’s official position on issues central to building communities of lasting value.
The Policies are developed to guide local practice of planning professionals and policymakers of all levels: Local appointed planning commissions and zoning boards; elected leaders like city councils and township boards; and state legislators serving in the House and Senate.
How are the Policies Developed?
The MAP Board of Directors is composed of industry leaders who understand the issues facing our state. Each year in January at their annual retreat, your MAP board deliberates over two days to identify the most critical issues facing community planners. A theme or direction is established for the upcoming year, and the board then educates itself on the topic. In turn, the board – working closely with the Government Relations Committee – researches and writes a set of policies that articulate a pressing problem or challenge, establish our values or beliefs around that topic, and identify implementation solutions and alternatives.
The written and adopted policies help our members and other stakeholders better understand planning and development issues, and how to address them locally.
The Government Relations Committee, a board-appointed committee, researches and writes the policy statements, which are reviewed and modified by the elected board. After deliberation between the board and the committee, a draft is vetted with our members and other stakeholders before the policies are adopted by the board.
The board adopted land use and planning policies guide the work of staff who advance the policy recommendations through information dissemination, educational programming, and advocacy.
MAP Adopted Policies
The Michigan Association of Planning's information, education, and advocacy efforts are guided by board adopted land use and planning policies. The adopted policies serve as the foundation for all of the work we do.
All policy links open as .pdf files in a new window or tab.
- Agriculture Land Preservation Policy
- Schools and Local Government Policy
- Climate Change Policy Guide Supplement
- Due Process and Regulatory Takings Doctrines Policy
- Smart Growth Policy
- Food Systems Planning Policy
- Social Justice and Planning Policy
- Housing Policy
- Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Policy
- Historic Preservation and Cultural Resources Policy
- Surface Transportation Policy
- Infrastructure Policy
- Neighborhood and Collaborative Planning Policy
- Public Redevelopment Policy
- Takings Doctrine and the Exercise of the Power of Eminent Domain Policy
- Takings Substantive Due Process and Regulatory Takings Doctrines Background
- Takings Substantive Due Process and Regulatory Takings Doctrines Executive Summary
- Regional Planning and Coordination Policy
- Water Resource Management Policy
- Regulation of Billboards Policy
- Wetlands Policy
- Right to Farm Act Policy
- Wind Energy Policy