2023-2024 Coastal Resilience Webinars

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Taking Action Together

The Michigan Coastal Management Program and the Michigan Association of Planning encourage coastal community decision makers to view the recorded webinars from this 2023-2024 series to help them progress along MCMP’s Pathway to Resilience.

These five webinars build on a statewide series of Coastal Leadership Academies hosted in 2022-2023. Topics focus on moving from analysis to action; each webinar contains information and case studies from coastal Michigan communities.

For additional resources, including webinar recordings, guides and videos, visit MAP's Coastal Resilience Resources page.

Framing the Coastal Resilience Message
Leah DuMouchel, AICP, Director of Programs and Communication, Michigan Association of Planning

Successfully implementing new coastal resilience strategies is a whole-of-community effort. Those leading the charge need communication strategies that can inspire interest, encourage action, and hold up through vigorous inquiry. Click here to access the recording.

Developing Scenario-Based Plans

Richard Norton, PhD, JD, Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Michigan

Decision-based scenario planning is an effective tool for understanding coastal development that is at risk, or that could be at risk if built. It generates physical and economic data to support policies and regulations aimed at reducing this risk, including by preventing development may be in harm’s way. Eligible for 1 AICP SR CM credit (log here). Click here to access the recording.

Engaging the Community Through Charrettes

Holly Madill, AICP, Director, National Charrette Institute

Charrettes are a design-based collaboration technique that uses feedback loops to capture community preferences and express them visually. The consensus products that result from this process can then provide a common reference to inform policy, regulation, and implementation. Click here to access the recording.

Integrating Resilience Plans and Implementation Efforts

Wendy Rampson, AICP, Director of Programs and Outreach at Michigan Association of Planning

Learn how your community’s comprehensive plan, your county’s hazard mitigation plan, your zoning ordinance, capital improvements plan and other planning initiatives can work together to guide decisions for a more resilient coastal community. Eligible for 1 AICP SR CM credit (log here). Click here to access the recording.

Learning from Community Engagement Case Studies

Panel discussion moderated by Michigan Association of Planning

Engagement tools and techniques are useful, but the real question always is, “How did it actually go?” Panelists from around Michigan’s varied coastal contexts answer it honestly. Eligible for 1 AICP CM credit (log here). Click here to access the recording.

For more information, contact Wendy Rampson at wrampson@planningmi.org.

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Financial assistance for this project was provided by the
Michigan Coastal Management Program, Water Resources Division, EGLE,
with funding through the National Coastal Zone Management Program