April 15, 2025
10:00AM - 11:30AM EDT
Floodplains 101: What you need to know about floodplains in your community
EGLE Local Leaders Webinar Series
Floodplains 101: What you need to know about the floodplains in your community
Is there a waterbody that runs through, or near your community? In Michigan, more than 1,000 communities participate in the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and an even greater number have unmapped flood zones, yet every waterbody has the potential to flood. This webinar is an opportunity to learn about floodplain management, the flood provisions in Michigan Building Codes, and EGLE's Floodplain Authority found in state regulations. Matthew Occhipinti, from EGLE's Water Resources Division, will discuss what a floodplain is, what activities require a permit, floodplain development administrative responsibilities, and reviewing an Elevation Certificate. This course is designed for anyone involved in development within your community such as supervisors, clerks, building officials and inspectors, engineers, and surveyors.
Building Officials and Inspectors, and others who qualify can earn 1-hour Rules and Acts credit toward Act 54 hours.