1.5 AICP CM Credits offered
Registration: $15
Join us for a discussion on the implementation of Michigan's New Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Siting Law in this webinar for planning professionals and local officials.
The new legislation, going into effect November 29, 2024, significantly changes the permitting landscape for large-scale wind, solar, and energy storage projects. It provides permitting authority to the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) unless local governments adopt "Compatible Renewable Energy Ordinances". In early August, the MPSC is expected to finalize their plans for implementing the law, which may help answer some of the many questions planners and local officials have expressed during several months of stakeholder engagement. Together with experts from the University of Michigan's Center for EmPowering Communities, this MAP webinar will provide an overview on the implications of both the law and the guidance from the MPSC for local planning and zoning. At the center of the webinar will be a discussion of the pros and cons of three identified paths for Michigan's local governments -- letting projects get permitted by the MPSC, adopting a Compatible Renewable Energy Ordinance, or amending zoning to something "workable" enough that developers to seek local approval rather than taking the project to the MPSC. Participants can expect sufficient time for Q&A.
Dr. Sarah Mills, Director, Center for EmPowering Communities, University of Michigan
Madeleine Krol, Clean Energy Land Use Specialist, Center for EmPowering Communities, University of Michigan